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Beach and Bay Safe - Checklist

In this short video, Ocean Today host Symone Barkley and ocean safety expert Bruckner Chase offer tips for what to take to the beach to help you stay safe and have fun...in the surf and sun.


BRUCKNER CHASE: So, Symone, I have a bag I take with me, to the beach or any waterway, with everything I need in it to keep myself safe, informed, and to possibly help others if they get into trouble, as well. One of the first things is a whistle. It's a great way to signal to others and to lifeguards. Always have my sunscreen with me, I have a small medical kit, and I also have an inflatable device, because I want to keep myself safe before I protect others. And this is great if I get into trouble or if I see someone else in trouble in the water. What about you, what have you got with you, as well?

SYMONE BARKLEY: So, I have a lot of the same things that you have, Bruckner. I have my sunscreen, a whistle, a medical kit. I also have my phone. In addition, I like to bring a water bottle so that I can stay hydrated, and a reusable bag and trash pickers, so that I can pick up trash as I go. It's really important that we keep the waterways clean, because a clean water way is a safe waterway for wildlife and for humans.

BRUCKNER CHASE: Right, so taking a sub and a picnic to the beach, and being able to take all that trash back out with you when you leave.

SYMONE BARKLEY: Yes, so important.