Explore Planet Earth with Teek and Tom in NOAA’s First Ever Animated Series


It’s all about the ocean-weather-climate connection!

Join the intrepid student explorer Teek from planet Queloz and NOAA climate scientist Tom Di Liberto as they explore planet Earth. This fun, science-driven, five-part series is designed for students in the fourth through sixth grades. The series guides students on how the ocean influences Earth’s weather and climate; weather extremes; the technologies scientists use to gather weather data; and what this information tells us about our changing planet.

Please note that these episodes are a work in progress, and may be subject to small changes over the coming months.


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Episode 1: What’s the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

“I’m Teek from planet Queloz (kway-loe-z)... I come in peace... can you help me understand your planet for a school project?” And with that, NOAA climatologist Tom Di Liberto and his extraterrestrial friend Teek are off exploring Earth’s weather and climate, and how the ocean plays a central role in balancing the earth system.

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Episode 2: The Ocean is Key to the Weather and Climate We See!

When it comes to Earth’s weather and climate, the ocean plays a huge role in where it rains, where it doesn’t, and the temperature near the coast and beyond. Join Teek as Tom takes them from a beach to a farm a thousand miles away to learn how the ocean can impact both places.

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Episode 3: Weather and Climate EXTREMES!

⚡ Weather and climate on Earth can get pretty bonkers sometimes. 💥 This episode finds Teek and Tom exploring how the ocean influences weather and climate to the EXTREME including powering monstrous hurricanes, massive atmospheric rivers, and intense thunderstorms.

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Episode 4: An Ocean of Data from Cool Technology!

While we’ve seen some of Teek’s advanced technology, us humans have some pretty cool tech ourselves. Learn about a bunch of gizmos and gadgets scientists use to monitor and measure our oceans and atmosphere.

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Episode 5: Our Planet is Changing and We Can All Help!

In the conclusion of season 1, Teek presents their class project about the beautiful and amazing planet Earth. Discover why Earth’s changing climate is a big deal, how humans are combating climate change, and how by working together we can solve big problems!