Hey teachers and ocean lovers, do you have curious friends or students who would love to learn more about marine biology, ocean conservation and deep sea exploration? Then come check out the award winning NOAA Ocean Today program. Join us as we explore the ocean in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution, Ocean Today has been creating short educational videos packed with fascinating discoveries and vibrant visuals that'll make you want to dive right in.
Over 360 videos are available for free on our website, and many of them can be viewed in museums and aquariums around the world. But we're not stopping there. Whoa! Check that planet out. In 2024, we are going to space! Hi I’m Teek, from planet Queloz. Nice to meet you. I'm Tom. What do you want to know? Learn more about the ocean, weather, climate connection with Teek and Tom.
Our first fully animated series covering the number one topic requested by teachers. This is so great! Now you're thinking climate. And we have more surprises in store to celebrate Ocean Today's 15th anniversary. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our monthly newsletter on our website so you don't miss out. It's so beautiful! Why am I yelling?