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Teek and Tom: Series Credits

Executive Producer

Kurt Mann


Jed Winer
Kurt Mann


Michael Pai


Michael Pai
Jed Winer
Tiffany Small


Tom Di Liberto
Claire Montgomery
Jed Winer
Kurt Mann


Natalie Rarick as Teek
Tom Di Liberto as Himself
Reese Bland as BARY

Production Manager

Robert Levy

Music Composer

Marco A. Jimenez


Laura Crombe
Jed Winer
Kurt Mann


Kurt Mann


Jed Winer

Color Correction

Laura Crombe

Sound Design

Kurt Mann
Laura Crombe

Sound Mixing

Jed Winer
Laura Crombe

Ocean Today Program Manager

Mike Shelby

Also Starring

Symone Barkley as Pika
Bob Schwartz as Puna
Marissa Anderson as Twilerp
Symone Barkley as Herself
Aya Collins as Gertfnuf
Bruce Moravchik as Student X
Tara Garwood as Student Y
Alejandra Enriquez as Student Z
Robert Levy as Parental Figure

Subject Matter Experts

Tom Di Liberto
Claire Montgomery
Bruce Moravchik

Audio Booth Operators

Reese Bland
Jed Winer
Mike Shelby

Communications and Outreach

Marissa Anderson
Julia Ortiz
Allison Burrell
Torie Ketcham
Katie Wagner
Brandon Richardson
Georgia Shao

Teacher Review Board

Kottie Christie-Blick
Jillian Worssam
June Teisan
Peggy Steffen
La Stel SpeaksWalker

Script Supervisor

Claire Montgomery

Additional Field Crew

Tiffany Small
Mike Shelby
Claire Montgomery

On Location Support Team

Michael Settles
John Leslie
William Carter
Dennis Daniel
Herald Pearsall
Tony Perry
Janaire Anderson
Jonathan Benjamin

On Location Extras

Eric Bethune
Scott Mounger
Sharon Rich
Debora McPhatter
Christopher Iskander
Jess Endicter
Melanie Blackburn

A Special Thanks To

David Dodds
Aya Collins
Sara Crowell, Ph.D.
Audrey Maran
Donna McCaskill
Kalani Quiocho

Additional Media Provided By

NASA Goddard Earth Science
NOAA Climate.gov
NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration
NOAA Fisheries
NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
NOAA Office of Education
David Ruck
Reese Bland
Liquid Robotics
Getty Images

RAAVEN aircraft developed and operated by the University of Colorado Boulder Integrated Remote and In Situ Sensing (IRISS) program

Humpback whale footage taken under NMFS MMHSRP Permit #P15240, #P15420, and #P18786