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It's Easy to Help Whales

With the Ocean Alert App

Whales face threats from ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear. YOU can help! All it takes is a smartphone. Download the "Ocean Alert" app for iOS or Android and check out the video below to see how easy it is to use. Alternatively, you can report an entanglement by calling 1-877-SOS-WHAL or contacting the U.S. Coast Guard on VHF channel 16.



You can help some of the largest mammals on Earth … from the palm of your hand.

It’s easy! Download the Ocean Alert app.

See a whale? Report it.

Just enter the details, attach a photo, and hit Submit. Your submission could save a whale!

How? Mariners receive real time alerts about whales in the area. Ship captains will slow down and watch for whales. That means whales are less likely to be struck by ships.

See a whale in distress or entangled in fishing gear? You can report that in the app too. Or call 1-877-SOS-WHAL or VHF channel 16. A trained team of rescuers will be notified and come up with a plan to free the whale.

All because you took the time to report what you saw.

Good job, citizen scientist!