Original Air Date: April 7, 2020
Time: 4:00 PM Eastern
Length: 30 minutes
Ocean today provided a 30 minute tour of the free videos and resources available from NOAA’s Ocean Today program. We showcased some of the more than 250 short videos for students all about the ocean realm. Your host Kurt Mann was joined by three guests from NOAA education to tour data resources and education activities that you can share with your students who have computers at home. In this presentation we explored the Ocean Today Coral Comeback? Collection and showcased “data in the classroom” educational resources.
Host: Kurt Mann
Kurt has traveled around the world capturing stories all about the natural environment for the last 35 years. Today he directs the NOAA/Smithsonian Ocean Today Program to produce science videos for students all about the ocean realm.

Bekkah Lampe
Bekkah Lampe has a background in informal science education and has worked at educational institutions in Maryland, Virginia, California, Kansas, and North Carolina. She has been with the NOAA Office of Education since 2018 and manages the NOAA Education resource collections and the NOAA Education presence at educational conferences across the country.

Bruce Moravchik
Bruce Moravchik coordinates NOAA Ocean Service Education. He develops products and programs to increase educator’s environmental literacy and stewardship. A former high school teacher, Bruce has taught field-based coastal ecology and habitat restoration, and oceanography aboard tall ships. He has done extensive research on crustacean population dynamics in Rhode Island, and coral reef ecology in the Red Sea.

Frank Niepold
Frank is the climate education coordinator at the NOAA Climate Program Office in Silver Spring, Maryland. He is a founding member and current co-chair for the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN).