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Jobs: Sustaining Communities


Every year, North America’s Marine Protected Areas contribute millions of dollars to the economy.

Much of the sustainably caught seafood you see in grocery stores and eat in restaurants comes from the Gulf of Mexico.

Marine protected areas here protect coastal wetlands that are essential nursery grounds for shrimp and other commercially important fish.

In Banco Chinchorro and Sian Ka'an biosphere reserves, fishermen have established cooperatives that market sustainably caught lobster.  These cooperatives support local communities dependent upon marine resources.

Millions of people also visit these and other marine protected areas nearby to relax on the beach and enjoy a variety of water sports. This generates thousands of jobs in tourism and related businesses.

Along Canada’s West Coast, kelp forests and herring help sustain First Nations communities. Herring eggs laid on kelp are harvested as a delicacy.

For the Haida people, protecting fish habitat is a way of life.

Up and down North America’s coasts, whale watching brings people and local benefits from all over the world. In these and many other marine protected area across North America, tourists come to see these magnificent creatures.

North America’s marine protected areas  contribute to the economy and help many people sustain a way of life.